Publications and more


  • Honors and Awards
  • Workshops and Seminars
  • Lectures
  • Keynote Addresses
  • Grants and Contracts
  • Articles
  • Books
  • Papers

2022 – American Educational Research Association’s Multicultural/Multiethnic Education SIG’s Dr. Carlos J. Vallejo Memorial Award for Exemplary Scholarship.

2021 – Association for the Study of Higher Education’s (ASHE) Council for the Advancement of Higher Education (CAHEP) Barbara Townsend Distinguished Lecture and Award.

2021 – University of Idaho Mid-Career Faculty Award.

2020 – “Accomplished Under 40” Honoree Award by the Idaho Business Review.

2020 – Auburn University College of Education Outstanding Young Alumni Award.

2018 – National Pine Forge Academy Alumni Association Meritorious Award.

2018 – Nominated for the Blackboard Exemplary Course Award (received overall rating of “Accomplished”).

2018 – Nominated for the Diverse Issues in Higher Education Emerging Scholar Award

2016 – Higher Education Leadership Foundation (H.E.L.F.)-Gamma Fellow

2015 – American Association of University Administrators’ Robert MacVitte Emerging Leader Award.

2015 – Auburn University’s Graduate School “2015 Auburn Authors Award.

2013-present – Affiliate of the Center for Minority Serving Institutions.

2013 – Project “Angel Tree” Award.

2009 – North American Division Regional Graduate Scholarship-$2,000.

2008 – Inducted into the Auburn Network of Holmes Scholars.

2008 – North American Division Regional Graduate Scholarship-$1,000

2007 – Graduate assistantship through the Office of the Dean of the College of Education

2007 – Appointed to Auburn University’s Adult & Higher Education curriculum committee.
Oakwood College Archives (Inducted 2006) as “Prominent Black Student”

  1. Freeman, Jr. S. (April 30, 2020). Thriving in Unfamiliar Spaces. Next Step Summit! Laurel, MD.
  2. Freeman, Jr. S. (September 17, 2019). Finding yourself, finding your people. Athena Group-Promoting an Inclusive and Equitable Climate for Women. University of Idaho, Moscow. 
  3. Freeman, Jr. S. (August 10, 2018). Implementing the Four Disciplines of Execution (4DX) to achieve the CIELO team objectives and task. President’s Advisory Group Training, Adam State University, Mosca, CO.
  4. Freeman, Jr. S. (August 10, 2018). Integration of the Four Disciplines of Execution (4DX) to address ASU Academic Master Plan 2019-2025. President’s Advisory Group Training, Adam State University, Mosca, CO.
  5. Freeman, Jr. S. (August 10, 2018). Personal leadership development. President’s Advisory Group Training, Adam State University, Mosca, CO.
  6. Freeman, Jr. S. (August 11, 2018). Introduction to the Four Disciplines of Execution (4DX). President’s Advisory Group Training, Adam State University, Mosca, CO.
  7. Freeman, Jr. S. (November 14, 2017). Empowering others through your personal narrative. College of Education-Faculty Research Group, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID.
  8. Freeman, Jr. S. (August 15, 2017). Go ye therefore: The mandate to take Oakwood research to the world. Office of Faculty Development and Research, Oakwood University, Huntsville, AL.
  9. Freeman, Jr. S. (August 15, 2017). Developing effective syllabi. College of Education-Faculty Orientation, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID.
  10. Freeman, Jr. S. (April 5, 2017). Dear leaders, you gotta do your homework. UI Leadership Academy, University of Idaho, Moscow.
  11. Freeman, Jr. S. (March 5, 2017). Online courses quality reviews. The Distance and Extended Education Office and the Doceo Center, University of Idaho, Moscow.
  12. Freeman, Jr. S. (November 5, 2015). The publication process. The 2015 Association for the Study of Higher Education Conference, Denver, CO.
  13. Freeman, Jr. S. (November 21, 2014). Executive educational leadership development in the 21st Tuskegee University, AL
  14. Findlay, H. J. & Freeman, Jr. S. (November 11, 2014). Writing for professional publications. Tuskegee University, AL


Workshop, Training & Instructional Materials:

The following publication is utilized as a resource in the following Higher Education Administration graduate program and in the Organization and Governance in Higher Education course:   

  • University of Denver in Department of Higher Education in the Morgridge College of Education.

      Freeman, Jr. S. & Kochan, F. (2012). The academic pathways to university leadership: Presidents descriptions of their doctoral education. International Journal of Doctoral Studies,7, 93-124.
The following publication is utilized as a foundational resource in the following Ph.D. Higher Education Administration Portfolio Guidelines: 

  • Morgan State University in Department of Advanced Studies, Leadership & Policy in the School of Education and Urban Studies.

    Freeman, Jr. S., Hagedorn, L., Goodchild, L. & Wright, D. (Eds). (2014). Advancing higher education as a field of study: In quest of doctoral degree guidelines-Commemorating 120 Years of excellence. Stylus Publishing.
The following publication is utilized as a required reading in the following courses at the following university and workshops at the following conference: 

  • Idaho State University in EDLH 7732 College and University Curriculum.

    Freeman, Jr. S. (2012) The future of higher education preparation: Implications for policy and practice. Journal of Education Policy.1, 1-8.
The following publication is utilized as a required reading at the following workshops at the following conference:

  • Council of Ethnic Participation (November 5, 2015) “Career advancement strategies in the academy.” The 2015 Association for the Study of Higher Education Conference, Denver, CO.
  • Council for the Advancement of Higher Education (November 4, 2015) “Early Career Faculty Teaching Workshop”, Denver, CO.

       Freeman, Jr. S. (2014). Strategies for doctoral students who desire to become higher education faculty members: Implications for practice. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 9, 271-291.
The following publication is utilized as a required reading at the following workshops at the following conference:

  • County Leadership Series (November 21, 2014) “Opportunities and challenges in education in the second decade of the 21st Century”, Tuskegee University, AL.

      Freeman, Jr. S. & Kochan, F. (2013). University presidents’ perspectives of the knowledge and competencies needed in 21st century higher education leadership. Journal of Educational Leadership in Action, 1, 1-20.
The following publication is utilized as a required reading in the following courses at the following university and workshops at the following conference: 

  • James Madison University in COUN 898 Dissertation Seminar.
  • Council for the Advancement of Higher Education (November 19, 2014) “Early Career Faculty Teaching Workshop”, Washington, D.C. 

         Freeman, Jr. S. (2014). Strategies for doctoral students who desire to become higher education faculty members: Implications for practice. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 9, 271-291.
The following publication has been utilized as a required reading at the following workshops at the following conference:

  • Council for the Advancement of Higher Education (November 13, 2013) “Early Career Faculty Teaching Workshop”, St. Louis, MO.

    Freeman, Jr. S., Hagedorn, L., Goodchild, L. & Wright, D. (Eds). (2014). Advancing higher education as a field of study: In quest of doctoral degree guidelines-Commemorating 120 Years of excellence. Stylus Publishing.

  1. Freeman, Jr. S. (February 28, 2020). Blacks at the University of Idaho. Course: History 213: Race and Ethnicity Through the Ages, University of Idaho, Moscow.
  2. Freeman, Jr. S. (April 24, 2019). Strategies for leadership in higher education. Course: Content and Context of Adult Learning, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO. 
  3. Freeman, Jr. S. (November 14, 2018). What is the Leadership & Counseling Department?. Course: Student Ambassador, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID.
  4. Freeman, Jr. S. (March 28, 2018) Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Course: Introduction to Africana Studies, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID. 
  5. Freeman, Jr. S. (March 29, 2018). Preparing for the journey and the destination: Reflections from a practitioner-scholar. Course: Doctoral Seminar II, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID.
  6. Freeman, Jr. S. (September 13, 2017). Presidential leadership in higher education. Course: Educational Leadership, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO. 
  7. Freeman, Jr. S. (January 18, 2016). Turning qualitative research results into infographics for public use. Course: Graphic Design Studio, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID. 
  8. Freeman, Jr. S. (October 12, 2016). Let’s talk about race. Course: Student Ambassador, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID.
  9. Freeman, Jr. S. (September 15, 2016). Race and gender in education. Course: Teaching Culturally Diverse Learners, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID.
  10. Freeman, Jr. S. (May 19, 2016). Race and gender in education. Course: Race & Education, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID.
  11. Freeman, Jr. S. (April 7, 2016). African American spirituality and education. Course: Educational Leadership, University of Missouri, Columbia, MU.
  12. Freeman, Jr. S. (April 24, 2014). Political context of contemporary leadership in higher education. Course: Educational Leadership, University of Missouri, Columbia, MU.
  13. Freeman, Jr. S. (September 16, 2013). The HBCU experience: A faculty and student perspective. Course: Educational Leadership, Auburn University, Auburn, AL.
  14. Freeman, Jr. S. (March 7, 2013). Leadership in higher education. Course: Educational Leadership, University of Missouri, Columbia, MU.
  15. Freeman, Jr. S. (September 13, 2012). Faculty responsibilities. Course: The Professoriate, Auburn University, Auburn, AL.
  16. Freeman, Jr. S. (January 9, 2012). The manuscript dissertation. Course: Doctoral Seminar, Auburn University, Auburn, AL.
  1. Freeman, Jr. S. (November 4, 2021). I’m a Higher Educationist & I’m Proud & I’ll say it Loud: Embodying and embracing the future of higher education programs (Distinguished Barbara Townsend Lecture). Association of the Study of Higher Education. San Juan, Puerto Rico.    
  2. Freeman, Jr. S. (February 24, 2021). Where do we go from here? (the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) and the Center for Inclusion). South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD.
  3. Freeman, Jr. S. (April 8, 2019) What I would tell my 21-year old self. Phi Alpha Theta Inductions Banquet, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID.
  4. Freeman, Jr. S. (August 10, 2018) Be bold, be brave, be excellent. President’s Advisory Group Training, Adam State University, Mosca, CO.
  5. Freeman, Jr., S. (April 28, 2018). Owen Troy, Sr.: Implications from his life for modern day application for the Adventist church. Pacific Union College, Angwin, CA.
  6. Freeman, Jr., S. (April 26, 2018). Owen Troy, Sr.: The most important theologian you never heard of. Pacific Union College, Angwin, CA.
  7. Freeman, Jr., S. (February 17, 2018). Passing the baton of leadership: What I’ve learned in school and in life. Adams State University, Alamosa, CO.
  8. Freeman, Jr., S. (February 7, 2018). Owen Troy, Sr.: The importance of Black Adventist history (School Assembly). Pine Forge Academy, Pine Forge, PA.
  9. Freeman, Jr. S. (April 23, 2013) An academic’s guide to writing prolifically-while having a life beyond the ivory tower! Keynote Address, Oakwood University, Huntsville, AL
  10. Freeman, Jr. S. (March 11, 2012). Becoming the leader that your destined to be: Men’s Conference. Keynote Address, Oakwood University, Huntsville, AL
  11. Freeman, Jr. S. (October 4, 2010) Leading yourself well: Transitioning from undergraduate education to graduate school. Keynote Address, Auburn University, Auburn, AL
  12. Freeman, Jr. S. (November 12, 2007). Life after Oakwood: A graduating seniors guide to preparing for after graduation. Keynote Address, Oakwood University, Huntsville, AL
  13. Freeman, Jr. S. (October 25-28, 2008). 33rd Annual Youth Motivational Task Force, Empowering Tomorrow Leaders Today. Oakwood University, Huntsville, AL
  14. Freeman, Jr. S. (October 31, 2020). Blacks in the Bible (Adventist Youth Ministries). Berean Seventh-day Adventist church, Jackson, MS.
  15. Freeman, Jr. S. (February 24, 2021). Where do we go from here? (the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) and the Center for Inclusion). South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD.

2020 Principal Investigator-Sydney Freeman, Jr., “The Contributions of Blacks to the University of Idaho,” Presidential Research Fund on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Grant, University of Idaho, $9,485.00

2019 Principal Investigator-Sydney Freeman, Jr., “Developing Higher Education Leaders in a Global Era.” Lyle Spencer Research Grant, The Spencer Foundation. $1,000,00.00 (Not Funded)

2016 – Principal Investigator-Sydney Freeman, Jr., “Owen Troy: USC’s Black Religious Pioneer.” McAdams Adventist History Research Grant. $2,500.00

2016 – Principal Investigator-Sydney Freeman, Jr., “Owen Troy: Adventism’s First Academic Theologian.” McAdams Adventist History Research Grant. $7,000.00

2016 – Co-Principal Investigators-Kelly Ward, Sydney Freeman, Jr., Walter Gmelch, “National Department Chair Survey”, UCEA Center for the Study of Academic Leadership Program Mini-Grant Proposal, Center for the Study of Academic Leadership, $4,000.00

2015 – Principal Investigator-Sydney Freeman, Jr., College of Education Dean’s Excellence Fund & Dean of Students Fund for Student Leadership Matching Research Grant, University of Idaho, $1,000.00

2012 – Principal Investigator- Tsgaye Habtemariam, Title VII, Section 736 of the Public Health Service (PHS) Act, Centers of Excellence Grant, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, (2012), $1,600,000.00

Peer Reviewed/Evaluated (* Co-authored with Student; ~ Award-winning article)
Non-Peer Reviewed/Evaluated
  1. Thacker, R. S., Freeman, S., Jr., & Campbell, D. (2019). Setting a new global agenda: Learning from international approaches to higher education leadership development. Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education, 4, 299-306.
  2. Carr-Chellman, A.A., Freeman, Jr. S., Kitchel, A. (2019). Leadership for negentropic online enterprise. Nueva Revista: de Politica, Cultura Y Arte. (Spain) 77 (274), 437-454.
  3. Chambers, C. R., & Freeman, S., Jr. (2017). From margin to center: Rethinking the cannon in higher education graduate programs. Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education, 2, 115-119
  4. Freeman, Jr., S. (2016). Introducing the Journal for the Study of Postsecondary Education (JSPTE). Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education, 1, 1-8.
  5. Felder, P. & Freeman, Jr. S. (2016). Guest editors’ introduction: Black students in doctoral education. Western Journal of Black Studies. 40(2), 77-79. 
  6. Freeman, Jr. S. (2014). Emerging organizational issues in higher education. Journal of Higher Education Management, 29, 1-3.
  7. Freeman, Jr. S. (2014). Diverse organizational issues in higher education. Journal of Education Policy, Planning and Administration, 1, 3-7.
Books (*Award Winning Book)
  1. Freeman, Jr. S., Hagedorn, L., Goodchild, L. & Wright, D. (Eds). (2014). Advancing higher education as a field of study: In quest of doctoral degree guidelines-Commemorating 120 Years of excellence. Stylus Publishing.
    *Auburn University’s Graduate School “2015 Auburn Authors Award” winning book
  2. Freeman, Jr. S., & Palmer, R. (In-Progress). Complexity of HBCU leadership. [Routledge Publishing].
  3. Jackson, M. & Freeman, Jr. S., (In-Progress). Black Adventist theology. [Submitting to Spectrum Book Publishing].
  4. Freeman, Jr. S. (In-Progress). Owen Troy, Sr. [Submitting to Pacific Press].


Books Chapters
  1. Freeman, Jr., S. (In Press). Prologue. In L. Searby and E. Reames (Eds). The art and science of mentoring: A festschrift in honor of Dr. Frances Kochan. Information Age Publishing.
  2. Felder, P. P., Liggans, G., Chirombo, F. & Freeman, Jr., S. (2020). Programmatic efforts and the Black doctoral experience: A literature review. In P. Felder, M. Barker & M. Gasman (Eds). SANKOFA: African American perspectives on race and culture in the US doctoral Education. (pp. 41-60). SUNY Press.
  3. Freeman, Jr., S. & Freeman, L. (In Press). The spokes that sat by the door revisited: Being unapologetically Black in a place that’s not experienced Blackness. In J. Alston and C. Tyson (Eds). The undivided life: faculty of color bringing our whole selves to the academy. Information Age Publishing. 
  4. Freeman, Jr., S. & Shaw, M. (2020). Preparing for the storm in times of peace: Strategies for preparing higher education presidents for campus racial crises. In T. M. O.  Douglas, K. Shockley, and I. Toldson (Eds). Campus uprisings: Perspectives for parents, students, faculty, staff and administrators on race, resistance, and hopes. (pp. 116-141). Teachers College Press.
  5. Freeman, Jr., S. & Kochan, F. (2020). Mentoring across race, gender, and generation in higher education: Across cultural analysis. In B. J. Irby, J. Boswell, L. Searby, F. Kochan, and R. Garza (Eds). International Handbook of Mentoring: Paradigms, Practices, Programs, and Possibilities. (pp. 471-186). Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
  6. Freeman, Jr., S. (2018). Forward. In N. D. Hartlep (Eds). Asian/American Scholars of Education: 21st Century Pedagogies, Perspectives, and Experiences. (pp. XV-XXI). Peter Lang Publishing.
  7. Freeman, Jr., S. & Lee, J. M. (2018). Successful financial models at HBCUs. In S. Davis & W. Kimbrough (Eds). Models of success: How Historically Black Colleges and Universities survive the recession. (pp. 59-76). Information Age Publishing.
  8. Freeman, Jr. S., Hagedorn, L., Goodchild, L. & Wright, D. (2014). Introduction. In Freeman, Jr., L. Hagedorn, L. Goodchild, & D. A. Wright (Eds). Advancing higher education as a field of study: In quest of doctoral degree guidelines-commemorating 120 of excellence. (pp. 1-11). Stylus Publishing.
  9. Freeman, Jr. S. & Kochan, F. (2014). Towards a theoretical framework for the doctorate in higher education administration. In S. Freeman, Jr., L. Hagedorn, L. Goodchild, & D. A. Wright (Eds). Advancing higher education as a field of study: In quest of doctoral degree guidelines-commemorating 120 of excellence.  (pp. 145-167). Stylus Publishing.
  10. Freeman, Jr. S. & Wright, D. (2014). The future of higher education guidelines and their implementation. In Freeman, Jr., L. Hagedorn, L. Goodchild, & D. A. Wright (Eds). Advancing higher education as a field of study: In quest of doctoral degree guidelines-commemorating 120 of excellence. (pp. 241-263). Stylus Publishing.
  11. Freeman, Jr. S., Hagedorn, L., Goodchild, L. & Wright, D. (2014). Afterward. Freeman, Jr. S., Hagedorn, L., Goodchild, L. & Wright, D. In S. Freeman, Jr., L. Hagedorn, L. Goodchild, & D. A. Wright (Eds). Advancing higher education as a field of study: In quest of doctoral degree guidelines-commemorating 120 of excellence. (pp. 265-281). Stylus Publishing.
  12. Freeman, Jr., S. (In Press). Forward. In N. D. Hartlep (2nd Eds). The Model Minority Stereotype: Demystifying Asian American Success. Peter Lang Publishing.
  13. Freeman, Jr., S. (2020). Prologue: A Tribute to Dr. Kochan, the Model Mentor. In L. Searby and E. Reames (Eds). The art and science of mentoring: A festschrift in honor of Dr. Frances Kochan. Information Age Publishing. Charlotte, NC. 
Refereed Journal Commentaries
  1. Freeman, Jr. S., Carr-Chellman, A., & Kitchel, A. (2018). The negentropic university: A commentary. Teachers College Record.
  2. Freeman, Jr. S. (March 28, 2017). Moving into the new Trump era: A Black scholar’s response. Berkeley Review in Education.
  3. Freeman, Jr. S. (2016). Higher education as a vocation: A commentary. Teachers College Record.


Encyclopedia Entries
  1. Freeman, Jr. S. & O’Neil, C. (2020). Troy, Owen Austin, Sr. (1899–1962). SDA: Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventist.|troy
  2. Freeman, Jr. S. (In-progress). Black Faculty in US Higher Education. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education.
  3. Freeman, Jr. S. & O’Neil, C. (2020). Troy, Owen Austin, Sr. (1899–1962). SDA: Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventist.|troy
  1. Freeman, Jr. S., Chambers, C., & King, B. R. (2016). The role of institutional research in academic program development. New Directions in Institutional Research. John Wiley & Sons Publishing.


Monograph Chapters
  1.  Freeman, Jr. S., Chambers, C., & King, B. (2016). Editors notes (Eds.) Freeman, Jr. S., Chambers, C., & King, B. The role of institutional research in academic program development. New Directions in Institutional Research. John Wiley & Sons Publishing. 168(1), 7-9.
  2. Goodchild, L. F. Chambers, C., & Freeman, Jr. S. (2016). Developing distinctive degrees: Competitive degree and programming positioning as a new way of initiating program development. (Eds.) Freeman, Jr. S., Chambers, C., & King, B.  The Role of Institutional Research in Academic Program Development.  New Directions in Institutional Research. John Wiley & Sons Publishing. Hoboken, NJ. 168(1), 37-48.
  3. Freeman, Jr. S., Chambers, C., & Newton, R. (2016). Higher education leadership graduate program development. (Eds.) Freeman, Jr. S., Chambers, C., & King, B.  The role of institutional research in academic program development. New Directions in Institutional Research. John Wiley & Sons Publishing, 168(1), 79-90.


Instructors’ Manual
  1. Murphy, F. & Freeman, Jr. S. (2012). Community engagement, organization, and development for public health practice: Instructor’s manual. Springer Publishing.


Case Study
  1. Freeman, Jr. S. (In Press). To Be Young Gifted and Tenured: A Black Woman’s Journey to the Tenure and Promotion at a PWI. (Eds.) Hinton, K., Howard-Hamilton, M., Brown, G. O. & Davenport, M. Unleashing suppressed voices on campus. Peter Lang Publishing.
  1. Freeman, Jr., S. (December 3-6, 2017). “Dr. Owen Troy, Sr. (1899-1962): A life of service and scholarship. “The 2017 Preachers Evangelism and Leadership Conference”, Huntsville, AL.


  • Interview Articles
  • Newspaper Articles
    1. Vincent, R. (September 13, 2021). Despite its optics, an Idaho college town remains a complicated place for People of Color. National Public Radio- Mountain West News Bureau. 
    2. Littleton, G. (July 1, 2021). COE alum Sydney Freeman breaks barriers, shatters stereotypes, in the Gem state. Keystone Magazine. 
    3. Chambers, C. R. (January 13, 2021). Interview with Sydney J. Freeman, Jr., Professor of Leadership, College of Education, Health and Human Sciences, University of Idaho. Thrive-East Carolina. 
    4. Fiske, P. (November 19, 2020). Revival of the Black Student Union: Creating a new era after being established for 50 years. Argonaut. 
    5. Fiske, P. (November 19, 2020). Seeking establishment at the UI Moscow campus: The Black faculty and staff on campus hope to support all groups. Argonaut. 
    6. Finnegan, B. (October 11, 2020). Focusing on equality: University of Idaho community looking for a more inclusive way forward. The Blot. 
    7. Pearce, E. (September 16, 2020). Working for better support of the Black community in Moscow. The Argonaut. 
    8. Pearce, E. (September 3, 2020). Focusing on equality: University of Idaho community looking for a more inclusive way forward. The Argonaut. 
    9. Kroc, N. (September 1, 2020). 7 Ways to Support Black Employees. Society for Human Resource Management. 
    10. (August 6, 2020). NEP’s ‘big’ challenge: 7.5 lakh students in foreign lands, only 40,000 return each year. Counterview.
    11. Kumar, A. (August 5, 2020). NEP 2020: Promises and Challenges in the Evolving Paradigm of Education. Delhi Post News.
    12. Adkins, L. T. (July 23, 2020). Historically black colleges and universities offer success. Share America.
    13. Murphy, K. (October 3, 2019). University leaders should be approachable, experts say. But they can’t be inappropriate. News Observer.
    14. West, C. (August 2, 2019). A Debate Over Race, Inclusion, and ‘The Idaho Way’ at Boise State University. Bitterroot-the West’s Magazine.
    15. Inside Oakwood (July 10, 2019). Future of Research and Practice about Minority-Serving Institutions.
    16. Byrd, A. (May 23, 2019). The tale of three tenured black male Seventh-day Adventist professors. Spectrum Magazine.
    17. Alumni News (Spring, 2019). Dr. Ty-Ron Douglas, ‘00, Dr. Sydney Freeman, ‘07, and Dr. Andre Denham, ‘01 Oakwood Magazine. p. 39
    18. University of Idaho’s The Daily Register (April 16, 2019). Sydney Freeman Jr. Named to National Council.
    19. Pfannenstiel, K. (2019). UI Goes Green. The Argonaut.
    20. Faces of Oakwood (Summer, 2017). Sydney Freeman, Jr. Oakwood Magazine. p. 45
    21. Roberts, T. (November 12, 2016). Helping Higher Education: Sydney Freeman, Jr. brings higher education research to UI.
    22. Littleton, G. (2016). Dr. Sydney Freeman, Jr. (MEd, 2008, PhD, 2011)-Keystone Magazine: The Magazine of the Auburn University College of Education, v. XII, p. 61.
    23. Fiske, P. (November 19, 2020). Revival of the Black Student Union: Creating a new era after being established for 50 years. Argonaut.
    24. Fiske, P. (November 19, 2020). Seeking establishment at the UI Moscow campus: The Black faculty and staff on campus hope to support all groups. Argonaut.
    25. Finnegan, B. (October 11, 2020). Focusing on equality: University of Idaho community looking for a more inclusive way forward. The Blot.
    26. Pearce, E. (September 16, 2020). Working for better support of the Black community in Moscow. The Argonaut.
    27. Pearce, E. (September 3, 2020). Focusing on equality: University of Idaho community looking for a more inclusive way forward. The Argonaut.
    28. Chavhan, A. (August 28, 2020). NEP 2020: “A Futuristic Policy For Higher Education” Youth Ki Awaaz.
  1. Palermo, A. (February 16, 2022). Bringing us all to the table. Moscow-Pullman Daily News. 
  2. Palermo, A. (February 16, 2022). Bringing us all to the table. Yahoo News. 
  3. Lloyd, M. (February 7, 2022). U of I’s Black History Research Lab’s First Historical Exhibit Opens February 15. Daily Fly. 
  4. University of Idaho (February 7, 2022). U of I’s Black History Research Lab’s First Historical Exhibit Opens February 15. University of Idaho News. 
  5. Millet, D. (Winter, 2022). More Alumni News: Dr. Sydney Freeman, Jr. Oakwood Magazine. p. 38
  6. The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education (December 10, 2021). Three Black Scholars Taking on New Faculty Assignments. 
  7. Millet, D. (November 11, 2021). Alumni News: Dr. Sydney Freeman, Jr. 
  8. Anderson, K. (September 27, 2021). Congratulations to Dr. Sydney Freeman, Jr. 2nd Chance Radio program.  
  9. Banda, A. (April 21, 2021). Sydney Freeman Jr. makes history as first African American man descended from slaves to gain full professorship. Argonaut. 
  10. Arnis, G. (April 7, 2021). Meet the first African American man promoted to full professor at University of Idaho. Krem. 
  11. The Black Detour Team (April 7, 2021). Dr. Sydney Freeman Junior made history becoming the first Black man to be promoted to full professor at University of Idaho.  
  12. Giacomazzo, B. (March 30, 2021). Sydney Freeman Jr. Makes History as the First African American Man to Become a Full Professor at the University of Idaho. 
  13. Kyaw, A. (March 29, 2021). Dr. Sydney Freeman, Jr. Becomes Historic First at University of Idaho. Diverse: Issues in Higher Education. 
  14. Counterview. (June 11, 2020). “Race, caste bias, human rights aren’t ‘internal matter’ any more: Indo-US web talk”.
  15. UP Dainik Bhaskar. (June 11, 2020). “Murder of George Floyd is not a problem of any one country”.
  16. Journal of Blacks in Higher Education (May 20, 2008). “Three Black Scholars Making News”.
  17. Roberts, T. (May 9, 2016). Freeman Becomes Certified Online Instructor. Retrieved May 14, 2016 from
  18. Hilsenbeck, K. (February 11, 2016). For the long haul — Graduate students research first-generation college students.
  19. “Freeman, Auburn Grad, Named 2015 Emergent Leader of the Year” (July 24, 2015).
  20. Johnson, G. (Summer, 2015). Alumni News 2000s-Dr. Sydney Freeman, Jr. ‘07”. Oakwood Magazine. P. 42
  21. Littleton, G. (2015) Sydney Freeman (Med, 2008, PhD, 2011)-Dr. Frances Kochan. Centennial Book: Auburn University College of Education, p. 92.
  22. Riley, A. (Fall/Winter, 2014-15). “Dr. Sydney Freeman nominated to prestigious board.” Tuskegee Veterinary Medical Perspective, p. 16.
  23. “Freeman named to national association and releases book” (July 11, 2014) retrieved July 18, 2014 from
  24. “Sydney Freeman, recent Auburn graduate, named to Administrators Board” (July 8, 2014) retrieved July 18, 2014 from
  25. Gasman, M. (November, 2013). “The Center for Minority Serving Institutions Affiliates Highlight: Dr. Sydney Freeman
  26. Johnson, A. (February, 2013). Oakwood alumnus models excellence at Tuskegee University,” OU? Oh, Yes! Newsletter. Oakwood University, Vol. 3, No.7, p. 1-2
  27. Hill, F. (February 7, 2013). “Freeman’s mission focused on TU Vet School.” Tuskegee News, p. 1 & 6.
  28. Hill, F. (January 31, 2013). “Veterinary Medicine student realizing his goal at TU.” Tuskegee News, p. 1 & 6.
  29. Millet, D. (July 29, 2015). Alumni News, Drs. Sydney & Lynda Freeman,” Inside Oakwood Newsletter. Oakwood University, para. 8.
  30. Riley, A. (Fall/Winter, 2012-13). “Dr. Sydney Freeman, Certified Faculty Developer.” Tuskegee Veterinary Medical Perspective, p. 17.
  31. “Job Changes: Sydney Freeman, Jr.” (January, 2012).
  32. “On the Move: Dr. Sydney Freeman” (January 19, 2012) Diverse Issues in Higher Education.
  33. Riley, A. (October. 2011). “Freeman appointed director of the teaching-learning center at Tuskegee University.”
  34. James, F. (August. 2011). “NPFAAA Congratulates Sydney Freeman, Jr.”
  35. Mt. Olivet Member Earns Inducted into Honor Societies.” (June, 2009). Visitor Magazine. Columbia Union Conference/Review & Herald Publishing, p. 25.
  36. Johnson, L. (April. 2008). Freeman Inducted into Honor Societies,”
  37. Golden Key International Honor Society inducts Sydney A. Freeman Jr.” Visitor (April 29, 2009). “Magazine. Columbia Union Conference/Review & Herald Publishing, p. 25.
  38. Johnson, L. (Oct. 2008). College of Education recognizes Holmes Scholars,”
  39. Reynold, D. (Oct. 2008). Extension’s Jennifer Wells Recognized as Holmes Scholar,”   
  40. Millet, D. (Oct. 2007). Millennial’s Rising: An African American Student’s Process Driven Approach to the Development of the Black Community,” Acts & Facts Newsletter. Oakwood College, p.3.
  41. Millet, D. (Oct. 2006). “It’s All About Business for Oakwood Student: Sydney Freeman, Jr. Acts & Facts Newsletter. Oakwood College p.3
  42. Michaels, B. (March, 2006). “Mt. Olivet Member Earns Prestigious Scholarship.” Visitor Magazine. Columbia Union Conference/Review & Herald Publishing, p. 24.

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